Railroad Accident Attorney, D. Matthew Dreesen

D. Matthew “Matt” Dreesen is a top railroad attorney with a track record of over 21 years of experience as a successful trial lawyer.
Matt Dreesen began his legal career as a state prosecutor and later served as the County Attorney for Cedar County, Nebraska. While a prosecutor, Matt racked up jury trial wins and won the respect of lawyers and judges.
Matt’s success as a prosecutor led to a position with a prestigious St. Louis law firm, where he worked as a railroad defense lawyer. While working as a railroad defense law “insider,” he learned firsthand the strategies and tactics used by railroad companies and their lawyers to fight lawsuits and shoot holes in people’s claims.
Guided by his commitment to public safety, Matt left his job as a railroad defense lawyer. He joined a small law firm and began representing railroad workers and their families on FELA injury and wrongful death cases against the railroad as designated counsel for the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen.
Matt is a patriot. He served as a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army Reserve JAG Corps as a Command Judge Advocate for senior officers. When it comes to his love of country and commitment to public safety, Matt Dreesen doesn’t just talk the talk: He stands tall and walks the walk.
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