March 9, 2025

Texas man killed by train after driving around crossing gate

Train Crossing Gate Lawsuit Attorney

by admin on February 21, 2011

San Antonio, TX — A railroad crossing accident claimed the life of a 25 year-old man in San Antonio, TX early Saturday morning. The man is reported to have driven around a crossing gate before being hit by an oncoming Amtrak passenger train. He was pronounced dead at the scene. None of the train passengers suffered injuries, according to investigators.

It is difficult for a driver to judge the speed of an approaching train, especially from inside a car at night. A train going 50 mph travels 73 1/3 fee per second. The train, en route to Los Angeles, was traveling at a speed in excess of 50 mph at the time of the crash.

Crossing gates must come down well in advance of a train arriving in order to be effective. Train speed is hard to judge. It is never safe to drive around a closed railroad crossing gate.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

jeevan May 6, 2011 at 12:35 am

i have a fantastic idea to prevent railway crossing gate. i have ready a demo model.


admin May 6, 2011 at 2:41 am


If you have a design for a better railroad crossing gate, tell us more. We’d love to see your demo model.

I’m sure the Federal Railroad Administration also would be interested in seeing your design for a safer railroad crossing gate. The FRA’s Office of Railroad Safety is charged with promoting and regulating safety throughout the Nation’s railroad industry. The railroad safety experts at the FRA always should be open to a “better mousetrap.”

Railroad safety is not accident. Improving railroad safety benefits us all.


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