March 9, 2025

Texas railroad crossing to be shut down after crashes

Texas Train Accident Lawyer

by admin on September 16, 2014

City leaders are taking action to shut down a San Antonio, Texas railroad crossing after several accidents occurred in the past few months. A dip in the road after the tracks causes large vehicles like limousines and semi-trucks to get stuck.

In May, 20 teens in a limousine got stuck at the crossing located on Hoefgen Avenue at Essex Street. Witnesses said that the teenagers barely made it out of the vehicle before the train hit. The limousine was nearly broken in half.

Just last month, a tractor-trailer got stuck in the dip and couldn’t get out in time before a slow moving passenger train hit the truck. There were only minor injuries due to the train’s slow speed.

The Chief of the Fire Department advised that problems with this crossing go back to the early ‘90s. City officials want to permanently close the crossing, but first need to go before the City Council and Planning Commission. The process could take several months.

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