March 9, 2025

Cars crash train at Chicago crossing: Lights, gates broken

Railroad Crossing Accident Lawyer - Unlit Crossing

by admin on February 15, 2011

Chicago, IL — Four people suffered serious injuries early Monday morning when two cars crashed into a stalled train at a railroad crossing in Chicago, IL. Two of the injured people remain in critical are in critical condition.

The cars approached the crossing from opposite directions. A railroad employee reported that the gates and warning lights weren’t working as the train approached the crossing. The collisions occurred minutes apart.

According to the Federal Railroad Administration, the automated gates, lights and warning devices at the crossing had been disabled on Saturday after the buildup of road salt interfered with the electronic circuitry of the safety equipment. Chicago Rail Link is the company responsible for the section of train tracks where the accident happened.

There is speculation that the unlit black train on the elevated track blended in with the sky and was not visible to the drivers as they approached the railroad crossing. It initially was reported that the trainman threw warning flares, but witnesses say they didn’t see any lights of any kind.

Railroad crossing accident attorneys hold negligent railroad companies responsible for personal injury and wrongful death damages caused by broken signs and gates at poorly maintained railroad crossings. If you have been affected by a railroad crossing accident, you may be entitled to substantial financial compensation. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss you legal rights with a top national railroad crossing accident attorney.

Crossing safety is no accident. Let us help you recover the compensation you deserve.

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