March 9, 2025

Boy, 14, hit and killed by train near St. Louis in Kirkwood, MO

Missouri (MO) Railroad Accident Lawyer

by admin on May 31, 2012

A 14-year-old boy was hit and killed by an Amtrak passenger train near Kirkwood, MO, late Wednesday.

Cameron Vennard was walking across the railroad tracks toward the downtown area of the St. Louis suburb when the train came around a bend, heading west to Kansas City. The accident happened in a wooded area, not near a railroad crossing. The boy was wearing headphones and did not hear the train approaching until it was too late. The train crew saw him but were unable to stop the train in time to avoid hitting the pedestrian: Kirkwood Police Chief Jack Plummer told Fox 2 Now that the train crew attempted to alert Venner by blowing their horn, but were unsuccessful.

Venner was taken to Mercy Hospital and pronounced dead upon arrival. Passengers on the train did not notice anything other than the train coming to a halt. The train was held up for about three hours before proceeding on its way to Kansas City. No passengers were injured.

The Amtrack train was on Union Pacific tracks about a half mile east of Kirkwood’s busy train station, near a popular downtown area with heavy foot traffic. Venner was struck in a wooded area away from any intersection. Kirkwood police responded and are investigating the case.

If you have been affected by a train accident, you need to know your legal options. An experienced railroad accident attorney can find the cause of the crash and help you collect the personal injury or wrongful death damages you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation with an experienced railroad accident attorney.

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