March 9, 2025

Train kills pedestrian in Missouri railroad crossing accident

Pedestrian Train Accident Lawyer

by admin on February 22, 2011

Camden County, MO — A 77 year-old Missouri woman was hit by a train and killed Tuesday morning in Camden County. The woman is reported to have been struck by a northbound BNSF freight train while trying to walk over and cross a set of two railroad tracks on MO Route T in Stoutland. The Missouri Highway Patrol said the woman was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident. It is not known whether the woman saw the approaching train.

Pedestrians are urged to use extreme caution when crossing railroad tracks. Trains can appear very quickly with very little notice. Pedestrians should never try to cross railroad tracks when the gates are down and lights are flashing.

People should only cross railroad tracks at designated areas. It always is important for pedestrians to look both ways and check for trains even if the warning bells are not ringing at a railroad crossing.

Our railroad crossing accident attorneys help people who have been affected by railroad crossing accidents recover financial compensation for personal injury and wrongful death damages. If you or a loved on had fallen victim to a train accident, contact us today for a free, private legal consultation. Railroad crossing safety is no accident. Let us help you recover the compensation you deserve.

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